What was your favourite Episode of Friends? Here are our Top 5 Friends Episodes!

Top 5 Friends Episodes

Friends, the iconic sitcom set in New York, has captivated audiences since its debut in 1994. With its lovable characters and relatable storylines, it’s no wonder the show has continued to be popular over two decades later. In this article, we’ll be counting down the top 5 Friends episodes of all time.

Join us as we explore the best moments of the show, including episodes like “The One Where No One’s Ready” and “The One with the Prom Video.” We’ll discuss what makes these episodes stand out and why they continue to be fan favourites to this day. Whether you’re a die-hard Friends fan or just discovering the show, these episodes are a must-watch.

Key Takeaways

  • Friends is an iconic sitcom that has remained popular for over two decades
  • Our top 5 Friends episodes include “The One Where No One’s Ready” and “The One with the Embryos”
  • These episodes showcase the characters’ dynamic relationships and hilarious hijinks
  • Great Friends episodes combine humor, emotion, and memorable storylines
  • The show’s timeless themes of friendship and love continue to resonate with audiences today

The One Where No One’s Ready

Our second pick for the top 5 Friends episodes is “The One Where No One’s Ready”. This episode takes place entirely in Monica and Rachel’s apartment, and it’s a fan-favorite for its hilarious moments and memorable lines.

The episode centers around Ross’s big event, and the gang’s struggle to get ready on time. From Joey’s inability to choose an outfit to Chandler’s hiding of Joey’s underwear, the episode is filled with laugh-out-loud moments that never get old.

The episode is a must-watch for any Friends fan, and its witty dialogue and relatable scenarios make it a great choice for newcomers to the series as well. It’s no wonder why “The One Where No One’s Ready” remains one of our favorite episodes to this day.

The One with the Embryos

When we think of the best episodes of Friends, “The One with the Embryos” is always at the top of our list. This fan-favorite episode first aired on January 15, 1998, in the show’s fourth season.

The episode revolves around a trivia game that the friends play to determine who knows each other better. Monica and Rachel put their apartment on the line against Chandler and Joey’s prized entertainment center, and the questions become increasingly difficult and hilarious.

What we love about this episode:Why this episode stands out:
The competitive spirit between the friends is on full display.The trivia game is a unique format for the show and showcases the characters’ personalities.
The reveal of Monica and Ross’s secret “dance routine.”The episode has a perfect balance of humor and heart, with emotional moments that bring the friends even closer together.
Chandler’s epic return after being locked in a box by Joey.This episode highlights the tight-knit bond between the six friends and their unwavering support for each other.
The final question: “What is Chandler Bing’s job?”This episode is a prime example of why Friends is considered one of the best sitcoms of all time.

“The One with the Embryos” is a classic Friends episode that showcases the show’s ability to balance humor and heart. It’s no wonder why this episode is often cited as one of the best of the series, and it continues to be a fan-favorite to this day.

The One with Ross’s Wedding

Out of all the unforgettable Friends episodes, “The One with Ross’s Wedding” is undoubtedly one of the best. Taking place in London, this episode is packed with hilarious moments, heartfelt conversations, and memorable scenes that have stayed with fans for years.

The episode centers around Ross’s wedding to Emily, and the gang’s adventures in London as they prepare for the big day. From Joey’s hilarious encounter with Fergie to Rachel’s emotional realization about her feelings for Ross, there is never a dull moment in this memorable episode.

The One with Ross's Wedding

One of the most iconic moments in the episode is when Ross accidentally says Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s during the vows. This emotional scene perfectly encapsulates the complicated history between Ross and Rachel, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

“I Ross, take thee Rachel…” – Ross Geller

Overall, “The One with Ross’s Wedding” is a standout episode that showcases the best of Friends. With its hilarious moments, heartfelt conversations, and unforgettable scenes, it is no wonder that this episode remains a fan favorite and one of the best episodes of Friends.

The One with Chandler in a Box

Out of all the Friends episodes out there, “The One with Chandler in a Box” is definitely one of our favourites. It’s a classic episode that showcases the strong bond between the friends and features a hilarious storyline where Chandler attempts to prove his love for Kathy.

The episode starts off with Joey finding out that Chandler had kissed his girlfriend, Kathy. Joey is furious and demands that Chandler make it up to him by spending Thanksgiving Day in a box. Chandler agrees, and spends most of the episode in a wooden crate, desperate to make things right with Joey.

The episode also features a touching subplot where Ross and Rachel take a trip to the laundromat together. Ross tries to impress Rachel by folding his laundry perfectly, but ends up getting his favourite shirt stolen. It’s a classic moment that showcases the chemistry between the two.

Overall, “The One with Chandler in a Box” is a binge-worthy episode that is sure to leave you laughing out loud. With its comedic moments and heartwarming themes, it’s definitely a fan-favourite that should not be missed.

The One with the Prom Video

Out of all the iconic Friends episodes, “The One with the Prom Video” is definitely one of our favourites. This episode takes us back in time to when Ross and Rachel were still in high school, showcasing how their relationship began and hinting at the chemistry between them that would later develop into a beloved TV romance.

The episode begins with the friends gathered in Monica’s apartment, watching a video of Monica and Rachel getting ready for their senior prom. However, the video also contains a surprise appearance from Ross, who shows up in a tuxedo to take Rachel to the prom after her original date cancels. This moment is a major turning point for the Ross and Rachel relationship, and the episode does an excellent job of building up to it.

The iconic scene of Ross and Rachel sharing a kiss in the hallway is one that will go down in television history, and it’s easy to see why this episode has become such a fan favourite. Not only does it explore the origin of one of the show’s central relationships, but it also has plenty of comedic moments and heartwarming scenes that are characteristic of the Friends series.

“The One with the Prom Video” is a classic episode that captures the spirit of Friends perfectly and reminds us why we fell in love with this show in the first place.”

Why We Love It

Aside from the fact that it’s a major turning point in the Ross and Rachel story, “The One with the Prom Video” is an episode that showcases everything that’s great about Friends. From the humor and heart to the strong bonds between the characters, this episode has it all.

One of the standout moments in this episode is the revelation that Monica was once overweight. This moment adds depth to her character and helps us understand her better as a person. It’s also a touching scene that shows the support and love that the friends have for each other, no matter what.

Overall, “The One with the Prom Video” is a must-watch episode for any Friends fan. Its mix of humor, heart, and classic TV romance make it a standout in the series and a true testament to the show’s enduring popularity.

The One with the Embryos

When it comes to the best episodes of Friends, “The One with the Embryos” always makes the cut. This episode is a fan-favorite for many reasons, but perhaps the most memorable is the iconic trivia game that takes place between the friends. The game reveals surprising secrets and showcases the competitive side of the characters.

Trivia Game

The trivia game in “The One with the Embryos” is one of the most memorable moments in the entire series. The game is set up by Ross, who creates questions about his friends and their past experiences. The questions cover a range of topics, from Chandler’s job to the name of Joey’s imaginary friend.

What is Chandler’s job?Transponster (It’s a made-up job!)
What is Joey’s favorite food?Two pizzas
What is Monica’s biggest pet peeve?Animals dressed as humans

Fan-Favorite Moments

Aside from the trivia game, “The One with the Embryos” has many other fan-favorite moments. For example, Phoebe agrees to be the surrogate for her brother’s child, leading to emotional conversations between the siblings. Meanwhile, Chandler is stuck in a box as a punishment for kissing Joey’s girlfriend, leading to hilarious moments as his friends try to help him out.

This episode is also significant because it takes place in Monica and Rachel’s apartment, which serves as a central location for many of the show’s most memorable moments. Overall, “The One with the Embryos” is a standout episode that showcases the best of Friends.

The One with the Embryos

The One with Ross’s Wedding

Out of all the episodes of Friends, “The One with Ross’s Wedding” stands out as one of the best. The episode takes the audience on a journey to London as Ross prepares to marry Emily. The trip across the pond provides a new backdrop for the group’s antics, and the humor and heartwarming moments are plentiful.

The episode starts with Ross and Emily finalizing their wedding preparations, while the rest of the group explores London. Joey and Chandler try to get into a posh private club, and Monica and Rachel try to track down the address of the wedding venue. Meanwhile, Phoebe is dealing with a broken heart.

The standout moment of the episode is when Ross realizes that he is still in love with Rachel. This revelation comes when Ross accidentally says Rachel’s name instead of Emily’s during the wedding ceremony. The moment is both heart-wrenching and hilarious, and it sets up an emotional arc that would play out over the rest of the series.

The episode also features a number of memorable lines, including Joey’s classic, “London baby!”, and Chandler’s quip about his box of wedding confetti being full of “little emotional baggage people.” The humor is both clever and relatable, and the laughs are non-stop.

“The One with Ross’s Wedding” is a standout episode that showcases the best of Friends. It combines humor, heart, and memorable storylines to create a must-watch episode. It’s no wonder that this episode is often cited as one of the best of the series.

What Makes This Episode Memorable?

The standout moment of this episode is when Ross realizes that he’s still in love with Rachel. This realization sets up an emotional arc that plays out over the rest of the series, and it’s a moment that fans will never forget. Additionally, the episode features a number of memorable lines and hilarious moments that make it stand out from the rest.

Why This Episode is One of the Best Episodes of Friends

“The One with Ross’s Wedding” combines humor, heart, and memorable storylines to create an episode that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant. The episode also features a new setting in London, which adds a fresh dynamic to the show. All of these factors make “The One with Ross’s Wedding” one of the best episodes of Friends.

The One with Chandler in a Box

One of our favourite Friends episodes is “The One with Chandler in a Box.” In this episode, Chandler finds himself in the doghouse with Joey after kissing Joey’s girlfriend, Kathy. To make things right, Chandler spends Thanksgiving inside a box as a form of penance.

The episode is a prime example of the show’s ability to balance humor and heart. From Joey trying to lure Chandler out of the box with a homemade robot to the emotional reconciliation between the two friends, this episode has it all. Not to mention, it features one of the most iconic lines of the series: “I’m not even sorry, because this isn’t a real heart attack.”

If you’re looking for a binge-worthy Friends episode that will leave you laughing and feeling warm and fuzzy inside, “The One with Chandler in a Box” is an excellent choice. It’s a fan-favourite and definitely one of ours too!

The One with the Prom Video

Now we come to what is arguably the most iconic of the Friends episodes: “The One with the Prom Video”. This episode takes us back in time to when the gang were still in high school. We see Rachel getting ready for prom with her original date Chip, who stands her up. Ross, who has secretly been in love with her since they were kids, comes to the rescue and takes her to prom. The episode culminates in a heartwarming moment where Rachel watches a video of Ross proclaiming his love for her, leaving her in tears and solidifying their romantic connection.

This episode is a fan favourite due to its touching storyline, memorable moments, and the chemistry between Ross and Rachel. It’s no wonder it was nominated for an Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing in 1996.

“You fell asleep?!”
“No, no, I just, I just blinked!”
“For 18 pages?!”

The hilarious subplot between Joey and Chandler also adds to the episode’s overall appeal, with their competitive bet leading to one of the show’s most memorable lines: “It’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know what, you can actually see old lobster couples walkin’ around their tank, ya know, holding claws”.

The One with the Prom Video

If you’re looking to binge-watch some Friends episodes, “The One with the Prom Video” should be at the top of your list. Its endearing storyline combined with hilarious moments make it a truly unforgettable masterpiece in television history.

Honourable Mentions

While ranking the top 5 Friends episodes was a tough job, we must give a shoutout to some other fan-favorite episodes that didn’t make the cut. Here are our honourable mentions:

  1. “The One with the Blackout” – This episode features the gang stuck in a power outage, leading to hilarious moments and unexpected connections.
  2. “The One with the Proposal” – Chandler plans to propose to Monica, while Joey lands a big movie role.
  3. “The One with the Rumor” – Brad Pitt guest stars in this episode, playing an old high school friend of Ross who still hates Rachel.

These episodes may not have made it into our top 5, but they are definitely worth watching. Whether you’re revisiting the series or experiencing it for the first time, be sure to check out these popular Friends episodes.

What Makes a Great Friends Episode?

As devoted Friends fans, we’ve spent countless hours re-watching and discussing our favorite episodes. Through our analysis, we’ve determined that a great Friends episode has several key elements that make it stand out from the rest.

First, a great episode must have a strong storyline that allows the characters to showcase their unique personalities and quirks. Whether it’s Ross’s love for dinosaurs or Monica’s competitive nature, the storyline should highlight what makes each character special.

Second, a great episode should have a balance of humor and emotion. Friends has always excelled at making us laugh, but the show’s ability to also tug at our heartstrings is what sets it apart. A great episode should have moments of genuine emotion that resonate with viewers.

Third, a great episode should have memorable lines and moments that stick with you long after the episode is over. From “we were on a break” to “pivot,” Friends has created some of the most iconic lines in television history. A great episode should have at least one moment that becomes a fan favorite and is still quoted years later.

Finally, a great episode should leave a lasting impact on the characters and the overall series. Whether it’s Ross and Rachel finally getting together or Monica and Chandler’s surprise proposal, the best episodes are the ones that have a significant impact on the show’s overarching storyline.

Overall, a great Friends episode should combine humor, heart, and memorable moments that leave a lasting impact on viewers. It’s these elements that have helped make Friends one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time.

“Friends has always excelled at making us laugh, but the show’s ability to also tug at our heartstrings is what sets it apart.”

The Popularity of Friends Today

It’s been over 25 years since Friends first aired, yet the show continues to be popular today. As we’ve discussed in our previous sections, the series has captured the hearts of audiences with its relatable characters, witty humor, and heartwarming moments. But what is it about Friends that keeps viewers coming back for more?

One reason for the show’s continued success is its availability on streaming services like Netflix and HBO Max. This has allowed new generations to discover and fall in love with the series, while also allowing long-time fans to revisit their favourite episodes.

Additionally, Friends remains relevant today due to its timeless themes of friendship, love, and the struggles of adult life. The show tackles important topics such as career troubles, family dynamics, and the challenges of maintaining relationships. These themes, combined with the show’s humor, make it a must-watch for anyone looking for a relatable and entertaining series.

But it’s not just the show itself that keeps viewers engaged. Friends has also become a cultural phenomenon, with fans all over the world connecting over their love for the series. From themed merchandise to fan conventions, the show has created a community of dedicated followers who continue to celebrate its legacy.

Ultimately, the popularity of Friends today is a testament to the show’s lasting impact on popular culture. Its timeless humor and relatable themes have made it a must-watch series for generations to come.


In conclusion, Friends has established its place as one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time. Through its iconic characters and heartwarming stories, the show has captured the hearts of fans around the world and continues to do so today.

Our top 5 Friends episodes, “The One Where No One’s Ready,” “The One with the Embryos,” “The One with Ross’s Wedding,” “The One with Chandler in a Box,” and “The One with the Prom Video,” are a testament to the show’s enduring popularity and legacy.

Whether you’re longing for nostalgia or discovering Friends for the first time, these episodes are a must-watch for anyone looking to experience the very best of the show.

So, grab a cup of coffee, join us at Camp New York and relive your favorite Friends moments with these best episodes. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

What are your favorite Friends episodes? Share with us in the comments!

At Camp New York, we’ll continue to celebrate the iconic Friends episodes. Stay tuned for more articles featuring our favorite moments from this fan-favorite sitcom!


What was your favourite Episode of Friends? Here are our Top 5 Friends Episodes!

In this article, we will be ranking and reviewing the top 5 episodes of the beloved sitcom Friends. Join us as we dive into the best moments of the show and discuss why these episodes have become fan favorites.

Which episode is “The One Where No One’s Ready”?

“The One Where No One’s Ready” is a must-watch episode that takes place entirely in Monica and Rachel’s apartment. With hilarious moments and memorable lines, this episode showcases the dynamic between the friends as they get ready for Ross’s big event.

What happens in “The One with the Embryos”?

“The One with the Embryos” is a fan-favorite episode known for its iconic trivia game. This episode explores the competitive side of the friends and reveals some surprising secrets along the way.

What is “The One with Ross’s Wedding” about?

“The One with Ross’s Wedding” takes the friends to London as Ross prepares to marry Emily. This episode is filled with humorous moments and heartfelt conversations, making it a standout in the series.

What happens in “The One with Chandler in a Box”?

“The One with Chandler in a Box” features a hilarious storyline where Chandler attempts to prove his love for Kathy. This episode is a fan-favorite for its comedic moments and showcases the strong bond between the friends.

Which episode is “The One with the Prom Video”?

“The One with the Prom Video” is a classic episode that reveals the history between Ross and Rachel. With a heartwarming ending, this episode is often considered one of the best of the series.

Are there any other memorable Friends episodes worth mentioning?

While these five episodes are our top picks, Friends has numerous other memorable episodes that deserve recognition. Some honorable mentions include “The One with the Blackout,” “The One with the Proposal,” and “The One with the Rumor.”

What makes a great Friends episode?

Friends has captivated audiences with its relatable characters, witty dialogue, and heartwarming moments. A great Friends episode often combines humor, emotion, and memorable storylines that resonate with viewers.

Why does Friends continue to be popular today?

Friends has had a lasting impact on popular culture, with new generations discovering and falling in love with the show. Its timeless humor and themes of friendship and love make it a binge-worthy series that continues to resonate with audiences today.

What should I expect from these top-rated Friends episodes?

Friends has left a lasting legacy with its top-rated episodes like “The One Where No One’s Ready” and “The One with the Embryos.” Whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer to the series, these episodes are a must-watch for anyone looking to experience the best of Friends.