Summers Days Campers – Explore Nature’s Playground at a Summer Camp in America with Camp New York!

Summers Days Campers

Did you know over 14 million children and adults go to summer camps in the United States every year? Camping holidays are also now a top choice for families. They look for exciting outdoor adventures and summer excursions. At Camp New York, counsellors and kids can dive into nature, make friends, and create memories for life.

Located in the beautiful New York Tri-state area, our summer camps offer a time of exploring, making friends, and learning for kids of any age. It’s a safe place with great facilities and lots of fun activities. Summers Days Campers at Camp New York is the best spot for you to experience yoiur Summer as a camp counsellor.

Our team of camp counsellors are full of passionate people from around the world. They work hard to make sure every camper feels welcome and supported. Becoming a summer camp counsellor at Camp New York means a chance to earn at least $2000. You’ll also make a real difference in the kids’ lives. Come and join our unforgettable summer excursion. You’ll enjoy outdoor adventures, campfire stories, and nature retreats. This will give you memories to last a lifetime, a new instagram friend list from around the world and a new love for the great outdoors.

Key Takeaways

  • Camp New York offers unforgettable summer camping experiences in the New York Tri-state area
  • Over 14 million children and adults attend summer camps in the US each year
  • Summers Days Campers with Camp New York provides a season of exploration, friendship, and learning for children of all ages
  • Camp counsellors earn a minimum salary of $2000 while making a difference in the lives of campers
  • Experience outdoor adventures, campfire stories, and nature retreats at Camp New York

Discover the Magic of Summers Days Campers

Summers Days Campers is all about disconnecting from tech and embracing nature. We offer kids and counsellors the chance to leave screens behind and love the outdoors. This helps them explore and grow in amazing ways.

Unplug from Technology and Connect with Nature

It’s vital for kids today to pause from screens and dive into nature. The camps we work with are a place to unplug and feel alive with nature. Here, children and big kids (camp counsellors) build their love for the outdoors and deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Our activities like hiking and camping make children see the beauty in small things. They learn to appreciate flowers and enjoy the night sky without screens. As they get closer to nature, they find peace and joy that last far beyond their time at Summer camp.

Experience a Safe, Inclusive, and Supportive Environment

Keeping kids safe and happy is our top priority with Camp New York and as a Summers Days Campers. Our team creates a caring place where kids of all kinds feel welcome and valued. We know each child is unique and we celebrate this, helping them grow personally.

The camps we work with are open for every child, offering a safe spot full of love. We work hard to make sure every child thrives and feels special from the very start. At Summers Days Campers, they find a second home, a loving community.

Key Features of Summers Days CampersBenefits for Campers
Unplugging from TechnologyReconnecting with Nature and Self
Safe and Inclusive EnvironmentFeeling Secure, Valued, and Supported
Experienced and Passionate StaffNurturing Personal Growth and Development
Diverse Range of Outdoor ActivitiesExploring New Interests and Developing Skills

Summers Days Campers with Camp New York is dedicated to making summers unforgettable for kids. With nature, we help them find the magic in themselves and the world. It’s all about connecting, growing, and feeling at home in the great outdoors.

Embark on Unforgettable Outdoor Adventures

At Summers Days Campers, we see each sunny day as full of chances. We offer nature hikes, crafting, water play, and storytelling to create unforgettable moments. With beautiful surroundings, children can explore and learn safely.

Imagine a peaceful lake where campers explore and swim with wildlife. Enjoy water activities in heated pools. Nature trails lead through forests, finding hidden gems and teaching appreciation for nature.

There are vast sports fields for teamwork and fun. Also, courses, climbing walls, and ziplines test courage. The camp also holds great arts and sports facilities for developing skills and passions.

“I never knew I could have so much fun outdoors until I came to Summers Days Campers. Every day was a new adventure, and I made memories that will last a lifetime.” – Sarah

Our staff sometimes design a variety of activities to match every camper’s interests and talents. Whether a child loves art, sports, nature, or all of them, there’s something special for everyone. Outdoor activities help kids grow, gain confidence, and make friends.

Nature HikesEncourages exploration, fosters appreciation for the environment, and promotes physical fitness
CraftingDevelops creativity, enhances fine motor skills, and provides a sense of accomplishment
Water PlayOffers refreshing fun, encourages social interaction, and improves swimming skills
StorytellingStimulates imagination, improves listening skills, and fosters a love for literature

At Summers Days Campers, we believe nature is a vast playground. It helps children grow, explore, and have fun. Spend this summer with us and let your child enjoy outdoor adventures that build character and create lifelong memories.

Forge Lifelong Friendships and Memories

At Summers Days Campers, we know the friendships made here are very special. Kids from many places and backgrounds come together. They learn about different cultures and make friends from across the world. Whether from New York or Spain, they all learn from each other. These friendships last forever, no matter the distance.

Meet fellow Camp Counsellors and Campers from Around the World

Our staff are key to these amazing connections. They come from top schools, both in the U.S. and beyond. As mentors and friends, they support campers from their first day to the last.

“I never thought I’d make friends from so many different places. Summers Days Campers with Camp New York has shown me that friendships know no boundaries.” – Caite, Liverpool, UK

Engage with Passionate and Experienced Staff

Our team love working with kids, and it shows daily. They make camp a safe place where kids can try new things and gain confidence. Whether it’s a hike or a new skill, they ensure every child thrives. They’re at the heart of an unforgettable summer for all our campers.

Staff Position ExamplesYears of ExperienceFun
Camp Director5+YES
Waterfront Director1+YES
Arts & Crafts Specialist Camp Counsellor1+YES
Sports Coach Camp CounsellorVariesYES

Immerse Yourself in a Wide Range of Activities

Summers Days Campers with Camp New York provides an unforgettable summer camp counsellor experience. It has many activities for children to enjoy. Campers will find something that sparks their excitement.

Explore the Waterfront with Slides, Diving Boards, and Inflatables

The camp’s waterfront area is a top favourite. It offers fun in the lake with water slides and diving boards. Campers can also jump around on inflatables. Our lifeguards make sure it’s all safe.

Summers Days Campers enjoying waterfront activities

Develop Skills in Sports, Arts, and Outdoor Pursuits

There are many chances to learn sports, arts, and other activities. Our sports areas have everything, like soccer and tennis. We also have activities for baseball, softball, and golf.

If you love art, our workshops are ready for you. You can paint, act, or make jewellery and woodwork. There are many creative options.

Outdoor fun is key at Summers Days Campers. You can hike, camp, or learn survival skills. Plus, we have archery, ropes courses, and ziplines for those who like a challenge.

“At Summers Days Campers, I discovered a passion for arts and crafts that I never knew I had. The counsellors were so supportive and encouraging, and I made some amazing creations that I’m really proud of!”
– Emily

Our camp has many activities to enjoy and learn from. Every child can find something special here. We are dedicated to making sure everyone has a great time, learns new things, and makes life-long friends.

Unwind in Cosy Cabins and Well-Maintained Facilities

Summers Days Campers with Camp New York knows comfort matters. Our cabins offer a cosy escape. They make you feel at home, ready for rest after fun days. Each has everything you need like screened windows and full bathrooms, kept clean daily.

Our facilities are top-class, designed for many activities. Camps can include huge indoor gyms for games and fun. You can enjoy sports like gymnastics, volleyball, and basketball, plus drama and hockey types.

Prioritise Health and Safety with Expert Care

At Summers Days Campers with Camp New York, the health and safety of our camp counsellors and campers is top priority. We take excellent care of everyone to ensure they are safe and happy. Our team includes nurses and a resident doctor to give expert care. This allows parents to relax while their children have a great summer.

Our advanced infirmaries are where we look after counselloors and campers’ health. It’s run by dedicated nurses and a doctor ready for any medical need. They handle everything from small injuries to bigger issues. Our goal is to keep every camper healthy and smiling.

Summers Days Campers is big on being prepared for health and safety. Our staff are trained in first aid, CPR, and how to respond to emergencies. This means we’re ready for any situation. We also keep parents in the loop about their child’s health all summer.

“The medical staff at Summers Days Campers are incredible”  Sarah, parent of a Summers Days Camper

Besides great medical care, we take many steps to keep campers and camp counsellors safe and well:

  • Thorough health screenings for all campers and staff before they join us
  • Regular cleaning and sanitisation of buildings and equipment
  • Super healthy meals made by skilled chefs
  • Teaching about staying safe in the sun, and giving out sunscreen and shady spots
  • Always following health rules closely
Health and Safety MeasuresDescription
Infirmary staffed by nurses and a resident doctorInfirmary is ready for any health issue with skilled staff.
Staff trained in first aid and emergency responseEveryone on our team knows how to keep campers safe and well.
Regular cleaning and sanitisationCamps keep a clean space by cleaning often and well.
Healthy, balanced mealsChefs make good meals
Sun safety education and protectionWe teach about sun safety and give things like sunscreen to the campers.

At Summers Days Campers, a safe and unforgettable summer is what we hope for every child. With our top care and safety measures, parents can be confident. Come and have an adventure-filled summer with us. Knowing your child’s happiness and health is our main focus.

Summers Days Campers: A Legacy of Fun and Growth

Summers Days Campers has made kids’ summers unforgettable. Focusing on personal growth, friendship, and loving the outdoors. Our place is all about helping campers be the best they can be. And we’re so proud how many strong friendships and good times have started here.

Years of Providing Memorable Summer Camp Experiences

Summers Days Campers loves to see kids dive into new adventures, learn lots, and have fun. Our staff is like family, always making sure every camper is happy and feels at home. We think being here is more than just fun; it’s about growing into great people and finding where you fit in.

Every year, we see kids grow in big ways. They come here ready for fun but leave with more confidence, independence, and great memories. Knowing we help make these big changes motivates us to keep making summers awesome for our campers.

Join the Camp New York Family as a Summer Camp Counsellor

Camp New York sees our summer camp counsellors as vital. They light up summer days for campers, creating magic. If you love changing children’s lives and enjoy the outdoors, join Camp New York.

Earn a Minimum Salary of $2000 While Making a Difference

You could be making a huge difference at Camp New York. Besides this rewarding work, you’ll earn well, with a $2000 minimum salary for the summer. Bonuses are possible based on your work and skills.

You’ll also get free room and meals, plus full access to camp facilities during your time off.

Welcome Staff from Educational Institutions Worldwide

Camp New York’s staff come from all over. This includes people from:

  • Universities and colleges
  • Teacher training schools
  • Education and child development studies
  • Gap year experiences

Our diverse team enhances camp life for everyone. We welcome students, graduates, and teachers alike. Your unique skills and background enrich our camp.

“Working at Camp New York was a top choice for me. I changed kids’ lives and made lasting bonds with my co-workers worldwide.” – Caite, past counsellor

Join us at Camp New York this summer. Let’s make it a time of adventure, learning, and joy for our campers and us.


At Summers Days Campers, teamed with Camp New York, each kid’s summer should be special. It’s about adventure, friends, and growing. Our camps are where they explore nature, break from screens, and make forever friends in a safe place.

We’ve got tons of fun things – from water games to sports and arts. Everything we have is ready, from the fields to the art rooms. And our staff is not just any team; they bring the best from schools around the world. They make sure every child feels cared for and learns a lot.

Join us, be it as a camper or a counsellor. Together with Summers Days Campers and Camp New York, let’s make this summer one you’ll remember. Let joy, learning, and lasting memories be part of your summer. We welcome you to our New York family camp.


What makes Summers Days Campers a unique summer camp experience?

Summers Days Campers is a special place where kids enjoy summer without gadgets. They make friends, have outdoor adventures, and feel safe. Our team of skilled leaders ensures everyone has fun and learns.

What activities can campers enjoy at Summers Days Campers?

Campers get to try all sorts of things like hiking, crafting, water fun, and sports. They can play at the beach, trying out slides and diving boards. This helps them learn new skills and have a great time.

What are the accommodations like at Summers Days Campers?

Our cabins are cozy, with electricity, full bathrooms, and clean facilities. There’s an indoor gym, sports areas, and much more. It makes for a comfy and fun stay.

How does Summers Days Campers prioritise health and safety?

Keeping kids safe is very important to us. We have a special area with nurses and a doctor for any health issues. This ensures children are well taken care of.

What is the history of Summers Days Campers?

Summers Days Campers has created lasting summer memories. Families have flexible options to meet their needs. This allows kids to keep coming back and making friends.

How can I become a summer camp counsellor at Camp New York?

If you love helping kids, join us at Camp New York as a counsellor. You’ll get paid at least 00 and have fun outdoors with a supportive team. Teachers from all over can apply.

Where do campers and staff come from?

Every summer, campers and staff join from various places. This includes different cities in the US and countries like United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Australia and Brazil. It’s a diverse and exciting mix.

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